Al's Rantings

A view of the world from a hillbilly perspective.

Location: Virginia

I was born and went to school in the heart of the Appalachian mountains, in southern West Virginia. After graduating from college, I got married, and began working in Bristol, TN. I have have various jobs from Tennessee to up state New York and a few points between. Now I work in West Virginia. Some day, I want to live in Alaska.

Saturday, August 11, 2007


This must be called Hok-ohol (combination of Hokie and alcohol). I found this at the Kroger in Blacksburg, Virginia.

It seems a little strange for a land grant, state university to have an official wine, alcohol, adult beverage. What signal does it send to kids about VT's stand on alcohol. We spend lots of $$$ telling kids not to drink and then put the Hokie bird on this wine....mixed signals.

By the way, isn't there a cheapo wine called Thunder Bird?


Blogger JP said...

I made my counterblog.

12:06 AM  
Blogger Evil Twin's Wife said...

My dad was a VPI grad, so we are all Hokie fans here. I am the proud owner of a box of Hokie Flakes. (never opened or eaten - rec'd in 1999, so I'm sure they're stale as all get out!). I'll have to take a pic of them for you.

7:37 AM  

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